GET Debt-Less

Debt Happens. Don't let it destroy you.

Money: We love it. And we hate what it can do to us.

You are likely here because you have done your best to manage your money, yet keep finding yourself back in debt.

First, know that you are not alone.

Second, know that you cannot expect to know something you have never been taught!

Third, know that your debt situation can get better.

Many people are in debt. They, perhaps like you, are a combination of scared, frustrated, overwhelmed, and deep inside, disappointed that they got themselves 'into this mess'.

I have been there. And, I taught myself how to get out of there. I am not there anymore and have not been for decades.

This isn't luck. It's not magic. Winning the lottery isn't going to solve your problems (though that doesn't stop my husband from trying). But if you do hit the big one, it would be nice to know you have a plan in place for responsibly managing your new money.

With practical guidance from someone who still follows this approach daily, you can develop these 'DEBT-LESS' habits that put you in control of your finances, for good! Through these books, you will discover how to use some simple financial tools to your advantage. And you will learn some pretty neat tricks along the way, too.

No matter where or how uncomfortable you are with managing money, there is a DEBT-LESS Approach for you!


It's time to change your relationship with money.

Tackle your debt, regardless of your current financial situation.

Following this SIMPLE 5-Step approach will take you on a journey to discover how it feels to be truly DEBT-LESS!


Each book is designed to address the unique stage and set of circumstances you will encounter on your DEBT-LESS journey.


Prepare To Be Debt-LESS

An introductory overview you can use to see if the Debt-Less Approach is something you want to follow to get yourself into a better financial state.


Paying Down Your Debt

Includes Primer and goes into paying down credit card and loan debts while accounting for new purchases, all in a planned, methodical manner you develop.


Managing Your Money

Includes Getting Started and goes a bit deeper to help you manage all current debt obligations (not just credit cards and loans) in a planned, methodical manner you develop.


Advanced Debt-LESS Approaches

Includes Take a Deeper Dive and provides alternate methods for managing your financial state. Also includes Bonus Sections to help you even more.


Debt-Less Living:

Your Journey to Gaining Control

of Your Finances

About ME

Melissa Dederer

As the Founder of Simplified Processes, I am a coach, consultant, speaker, and author. For over 30 years, I have been helping people find more efficient and effective ways to manage their money, do their jobs, and live their best lives.

I translate the complex into clear, understandable, and actionable steps. I am able to simplify and create easy-to-understand processes to help take you from where you are to where you want to be.

These steps and strategies take my clients from feeling overwhelmed and discouraged about their financial situation to hopeful and confident for their financial future.

I Believe...

It's time to open up the conversation about money. ​I am here to support you wherever you are in your financial journey.

Let's grab a virtual coffee (or whatever you prefer) and talk.
Jump on my calendar, grab your beverage, and let’s have a 30-minute chat,

all at no cost or obligation to you.

Want to be Debt-Less?

By managing our money we have a more comfortable and enjoyable life.
If you are interested in a no cost or obligation, open and honest discussion about your finances, schedule a call with me.

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